American Eskimos


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Fur: In order for an American Eskimo to fit the breed standard, they must be all white. It is permitted for a little beige on the ears, but it is better if you are thinking of showing your dog for he or she to be all white. AMERICAN ESKIMOS SHED. They have a ruff of fluffy fur around their neck, like a lion, and have a furry spitz tail that curls and wags when they are happy. Also on their front legs, fur grows long, it is very beautiful when they walk.

Eyes: American Eskimos have dark colored eyes. Like Mo-Mo, a dark brown. All American Eskimos have a black outlining around their eyes, it looks like they are wearing mascara or eye-liner. Later in life it is not uncommon for American Eskimos to develop a drippy eye. This is just excess liquid from the eyes that drips down from the eye, staining the fur. If this develops, one should clean their dog's face everyday, to minimize staining. But other than that there isn't anything one can really do.

Nose: They have a black, wet nose. It is so cute! Once and a while your dog's nose might turn pink, don't worry about it, it has happened to Mo-Mo sometimes, and she is perfectly fine and healthy! American Eskimos have whiskers on their nose! Mo-Mo doesn't like it so much when I try to play with hers!

Mouth: Eskies have a long snout like a fox. They also have a black outline around their mouth, like they are wearing black lip-stick. One should remember that dog have teeth too, so when one goes to brush their pearly-whites, don't forget about the dogs! And that goes for every breed. Plus if you train them when they are a puppy to stay still then brushing their teeth when they are older isn't bad.

Ears: They are furry, pointed like triangles. When one's puppy is little their ears might fold over, don't worry, that's normal. Eventually their ears will stand up. Of course their ears aren't up all the time, it is only when they are interested in something or listening very hard. Also it should be pink inside the dog's ears, and there should be a good amount of fur on/in the ear for protection from the cold.

Skin: Skin coloring is pink or grey. Mo-Mo has pink skin with grey spots...I believe that is fine, but if one is going to show their dog, it would be a good idea to find out.


Overview: The American Eskimo breed comes in three sizes: Toy, Miniature, and Standard. Mo-Mo is somewhere in between a miniature and a standard. According to the AKC site, one doesn't have to specify what height their dog is but the dog has to be between 9 and 19 inches tall. In other words one doesn't have to say that their dog is a miniature, so long as the dog is within the hieght range.

Toy: 9-12 inches

Miniature: 12-15 inches

Standard: 15-19 inches

Wieght: (Depends on the dog's height) 15-25 lbs.


Personality: Independant.

Trainability: Very trainable. American Eskimos used to be used in circus performances. They can learn many tricks in no time at all. Mo-Mo learned to "speak" on command within one hour! Mo-Mo also knows a variety of other tricks, such as the basics: sit, down, stay, and come. She also can do some intermidiate tricks: rollover, spin, speak, up/jump, and off. She can also do a couple of challenging tricks: walk (she walks on her hind-legs), crawl (she lays down and crawls after the treat), and she can jump through hulla-hoops! There are many other tricks that one can teach thier American Eskimo dog, the owner of Mo-Mo just hasn't thought of any others.

Guarding: American eskimos, although not bred for being good gaurd dogs, nevertheless make excellent watch dogs. Mo--Mo spends the whole day looking out of the window barking at other dogs and people as they walk by. She also goes crazy when someone rings the doorbell or knocks. Also once someone she doesn't know is in the house she continues to bark and  go to her owner to paw them. As if trying to tell them that there is a stranger in the house... that they invited in. After a few minutes however the barking stops, but Mo-Mo never takes her eyes off the stranger. She watches their every move. And I have heard from other eskie owners that the dog can be quite protective over children. Depending where one lives this always alert watchfullness might be a good thing or a bad thing. If one lives in an apartement, it is probabely not such a good thing because the dog will bark at every noise out in the hallway. However if one lives in a house and want a watchdog, don't look over the American Eskimo breed, they will guard one's house and self with their life.